Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Morning's Here

I've never been an early riser. Not on purpose anyway. There have been a couple periods in my life that I've been required to get up early, but I've never done it on my own accord. Most of my adult life I've been a night owl, partially due to years spent bartending. I've seen the clock strike 2am, 3am, 4am more times that I can count. While I've spent the better part of the last two decades drooling on my pillow snoozing my days away, tons of other people have been up and at'em at the crack of dawn doing god-knows-what.
I guess I wanted to know what. 
I figured I've been a 'night' person for so many years, why not give being a 'morning' person a shot? So when an opportunity to teach early morning yoga classes arose, I volunteered.  For 5:30AM. Talk about shock and awe.
In order to welcome the morning, I like to think of this song/clip from an old Friends episode:

It makes me smile every time, without fail.
With this song in my head (and coffee in my bloodstream), I've found the mornings to be quite enjoyable.
The quiet and peaceful atmosphere of dawn provides the perfect ambiance for practicing yoga, which makes getting up early worth it.
If you're an early riser or aspiring to be, get into gear and join me every Tuesday and Wednesday morning at Inner Peace Yoga, 5:30AM.  I'll see you tomorrow morning.


  1. Alarm goes off at 4am, morning coffee, fix tea and lunch-box snacks to go in at 5:30. With three blocks to drive to work, I don't have a thirty minute drive to wake up.

  2. Oh girl is soooooo true and funny! I am doing the exact some as you with early morning privates.. Oh that damn alarm clock! But, I will have to say, by 3pm I have done soooooooo much! Nap?! OK!!

    Love to you and your beautiful passion!

  3. I totally identify with this! I've been an insomniac and nocturnal all my life. If I didn't HAVE to wake up, I would stay up all night and sleep all day, which I did often in college and in my 20s. Motherhood brought about many changes in that regard, but I've still resented the waking hours. I have hit the snooze button most mornings of my adult life. A few months ago I was really missing my yoga practice, and finding it impossible to squeeze in any sessions in the evenings. So for the past several weeks I've been waking up at 5 to meditate, do yoga, catch up on laundry, and have just some peace and quiet before the work day begins. It's not easy, but I'm loving the benefits! Namaste! -- Jillie
